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October 29 & 30, 2021

Friday: 7-8:30pm
Saturday 9am-noon

Dr. Tim Barton, pastor of Canby Alliance Church in Canby, OR for over 30 years, will lead us through scripture and guides from the past, that will help us to deepen our ability to enter into the Bible. We’ll discuss how we find ourselves in the story, hear God speak to us in the message, and live it. We will learn to swim in Holy Writ while participating in its living life.

Tim has taught at the college and graduate level. He holds a Doctorate of Ministry from Asbury Theological Seminary in Kentucky and a Master of Divinity from Fuller Theological Seminary in California.

More Details:

  • No Charge & Refreshments Provided
  • Current masking mandates from the state will be followed.
  • All are welcome to join.

Our Redeemer Presbyterian Church
172 Ivy Street SE ~ Ephrata, WA

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