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Christianity exhibits more ethnic diversity than any other religion.  It is truly the only world religion.  This is because the gospel is flexible because it fits within different cultures and backgrounds.  Tim Keller writes about the fact that 95% of the Hindus live in India and 88% of the Buddhists live in southeast Asia.  So when Christians are in these nations they worship together, all different backgrounds and doctrines come together in one place.  To do this, they go to the common, which really are the beliefs that matter.  That Christ has died, Christ has risen, and Christ is coming again and are you/I/we as a church following Jesus.

This is what we are seeing in Acts 16 with the story of Lydia.  What we see is God turning the world upside down.  Is that our vision for God’s church and for the world?  Listen to Pastor Mark and question what you believe and if your gospel is flexible to truly follow Christ.

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