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In 1 Samuel chapters 15 & 16 there are three colliding stories recorded under the names of the characters: Saul, Samuel, and David.  Just like them, none of us live our stories alone. We are born into stories without consent and have decisions made for us for which we have no voice but that shape us while becoming the ink in our own story as we write and live our lives.

Join Pastor Mark as he introduces us to the next sermon series we will enter on the life of King David. Where in this message we hear the word “Shema” and how it called each of the characters in our colliding stories to listen/obey the word of God and embrace the story God provided for in them.

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  • Ann Frerks says:

    Good to have you back, Mark. I was also raised into the sole Protestant family on the block, dwelling in St. Nicholas Catholic parish on the south side of Chicago.
    Thank you for your message today. (except the cerumen). You’ve given me much to think and pray about this week.

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